Anyone who wants to hold a special event on City property must complete a special event application in Lake Havasu City. A special event is any organized, scheduled activity, or event taking place upon City owned property that either interferes with the normal or customary use of the property or inhibits or interfere with the use of the property by the general public.  Special events may include a parade, concert, walk, bike or foot race, rally or public gathering.

A special event applicant must complete the following special event requirements no later than 60 days prior to the date(s) of the requested special event in order for the event to be approved and a permit issued by Lake Havasu City:

  • Permit Fee: Please submit a $53, nonrefundable check payable to Lake Havasu City with the signed/dated application,
  • Certificate of Liability Insurance must be submitted fifteen (15) days prior to the start date or your event will be denied.
  • A list of all vendors must be submitted with your application. All special event applicants must submit a completed vendor list 25 business days prior to the special event.
  • If you do not have a local business license, a Temporary Business License ($15 per day) must be obtained from Lake Havasu City prior to your event.
  • A trash plan is required as part of the special event application.
  • Site Plan of event. Please include street closures/barricades, entrances/exists, vendor booth placement, displays, parade forming/disbanding, and/or tents. Tents, canopies or structures over 400 sq. ft., or over 200sq. ft. with sidewalls, and air-supported structures require a permit and inspection from the Fire Department. Please see attached Tent Permit Application.
  • Liquor License(s): If you plan to serve or sell alcoholic beverages at your special event, you must apply for a Temporary Special Event Liquor License along with a required Certificate of Insurance.
  • The use of fireworks requires a permit from the Fire Department.
  • A filming permit shall be required for the use of any City-owned land, buildings or parks, or public streets, roads, alleys or rights-of-way located within the City when filming (including photo, motion picture, video recording, or spoken statements) for a commercial purpose.
  • If you have 501(c)(3) status, please attach your certificate from the IRS.
  • If your event will take place on the water/Bridgewater Channel, please contact the United States Coast Guard at 619-278-7656, for a permit.
  • All events taking place at SARA Park require an Event Permit Application.

For more information please contact Assistant to the City Manager/Event Coordinator, Anthony Kozlowski.


Events my have additional fees such as fire inspections of tents, fireworks, or carnival/rides; material and/or labor from the Street Maintenance, Police, Fire or other departments. If additional fees are incurred, an itemized invoice will be sent to the event. Payment is due before approval being sent.

Events Application Fees
  • Without exception, all events submitting an application are required to pay the non-refundable application fee.
  • All events are charged the same fee for the Events Application.
  • Payments may be made by cash, check, or credit card. Checks must be made payable to Lake Havasu City, unless otherwise stated.
  • All fees must be paid prior to the event in order for Lake Havasu City to continue processing your application.

Event Permit Application Fee - $53

Additional Permit/License Fees

Temporary Business License

Event Liquor License Application Fee - $31
*This application requires an additional $25 per-day fee payable to the Arizona Department of Liquor License & Control

Carnival Inspection up to 5 hours inspection time - $264
*Additional charge after the first 5 hours

Inspection of tents in excess of 200 sq. ft.; canopies in excess of 400 sq. ft. - $102 ea.

Damage & Clean-up Deposit

At the discretion of the Events Coordinator, a Damage and Clean-up Deposit may be required at the time of application. The amount will be determined by the Events Coordinator in conjunction with all involved departments. If no damage is done to the facilities or public property and clean-up of the event site is complete, the Damage & Clean-up deposit will be returned within thirty (30) days to the applicant.



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