Bees generally swarm in the spring and fall.  A bee swarm is a large number of bees moving in a group.  Bees that are swarming are actually “homeless bees” looking for a place to build a new hive.  As they travel, a swarm may rest along the way, forming a large mass hanging from buildings, signs, or trees.  If you see a swarm you should not be alarmed.  Although they appear frightening, swarms are passive and are generally not dangerous.  You are not in any danger if you stay away from the swarm.  Once they have rested, the swarm will move on and continue their search.

If the swarm begins to establish a beehive on your property you should have it removed immediately.

PLEASE NOTE:  The Lake Havasu City Fire Department does not remove swarms of bees or beehives.  Bee removal is a technical process that requires special training and equipment.

Any contact with an exterminator or bee removal service is the responsibility of the property owner.  Lake Havasu City does not provide extermination or bee removal services or pay for such services.  Please DO NOT CALL 9-1-1 to report a swarm of bees.


Do not agitate them.  Stay away from the hive and remain quiet and calm.  Contact a local exterminator or bee removal service to have the bees taken away.  Remove any pets or children playing in the area and have them stay inside.  Ensure anyone in the area does not make noise.  Bees are especially attracted to lawnmowers, barking dogs, weed eaters, or other humming noises.


If someone is being attacked by bees and they cannot escape, call 9-1-1 immediately.  Advise the person to seek shelter in a building or vehicle.  DO NOT SCREAM OR WAVE YOUR ARMS at the person, this will attract the bees to you.  If the person is on the ground and unconscious do not try to help them.  The bees may sense the person is not moving and could attack you instead.  You can do more help by calling 9-1-1 and keeping everyone else away from the area.

If someone has been stung several times they should seek medical attention.  Call 9-1-1 if the person becomes dizzy, has difficulty breathing, or their lips and fingernails turn blue.  Many people are allergic to bee stings and may need immediate medical attention.