Detectives from the Lake Havasu City Police Department’s Special Investigations Unit, which is part of the Mohave Area General Narcotics Enforcement Team (MAGNET), have been investigating a Lake Havasu City resident selling methamphetamine and fentanyl pills throughout Lake Havasu City, Arizona.
On October 19, 2022, at approximately 4:32 p.m., the Lake Havasu City Police Department’s SWAT team and the Special Investigations Unit served a search warrant in the 1100 block of S. McCulloch Blvd. During the search, detectives seized approximately 120 fentanyl pills, several Suboxone patches, 15.9 grams of cocaine, methamphetamine, two firearms, and $2,000 in cash.
As a result of the investigation, the following subject was arrested:
John Morin (50) (Lake Havasu City resident): Possession of narcotic drugs for sale (fentanyl), possession of narcotic drugs (Suboxone), possession of narcotic drugs (cocaine), possession of dangerous drugs (meth), misconduct involving weapons (prohibited possessor), misconduct involving weapons (firearm during a drug offense), and possession of drug paraphernalia.
During his initial appearance, Morin received a $25,000 bond.
Public Information Officer: Sergeant Tyler Tribolet
Booking photo: Johnson and Springfield