HYAC Makes Appearance at Lake Havasu Area Chamber of Commerce Teacher Appreciation Mixer
Last night, HYAC made their first local appearance at the Lake Havasu Area Chamber of Commerce Teacher Appreciation Mixer that was held at the London Bridge Resort Convention Center, since winning the Democraseed challenge. They introduced themselves and their project “Project: We Out Care,” welcomed the new teachers to the district, shared their initiative to retain quality teachers in Lake Havasu City, and thanked the community for their support. They challenge the community to out care them, by providing supplies needed to fill care packages for the newly hired district teachers, such as pencils, markers, folders, and desk organizers; and also, donated gift cards to local restaurants, self-care establishments, and other local businesses, so the teachers can explore the city they’ll soon be calling home. In addition, they will ask the community, organizations, and individuals to help with funds to create a website that will sustain a lasting relationship between the community and our beloved educators. To find out how you can out care HYAC with this project, please contact the Mayor’s office at (928) 453-4152. In photos, Hayden Lintz, Tatum Bracamonte, Jersey Orias, Stephanie Nelson, and Councilmember Cal Sheehy.
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