April 14, 2023

The Lake Havasu City Police Department would like to remind residents about our Neighborhood Watch Program.   The program encourages citizens to be part of the solution and be that extra set of eyes and ears to help reduce crime in their neighborhood and report suspicious activity.  A Neighborhood Watch group can be formed around any geographical unit; a block, a cul-de-sac, an apartment, a street or a business complex.  Any community resident can join.  The program encourages neighbors to get to know each other as well as get to know routines so that any out of place activity can be reported and investigated.

Joining or starting a Neighborhood Watch group is easy.  It doesn’t take much time or money but the benefit of becoming a member and learning to utilize the information you are given is invaluable to you, your family and the community.  The cost is $7.00 for new members which consist of a $5.00 sign-up fee and $2.00 dues for the first year.   Annual dues after signing up are just $2.00 per year with the option of paying year by year or by paying a few years in advance.

The Lake Havasu City Police Department hosts an annual Havasu Night Out in early spring which gives current and prospective members of Neighborhood Watch a chance to meet with members of the department and ask questions.

If you are interested in finding out more information or would like to start a Neighborhood Watch group, please contact the Lake Havasu City Police Department’s Neighborhood Watch Liaison Kathy Stewart at 928-855-1171 x5335 or by email at stewartk@lhcaz.gov.

Community Service Unit Sergeant:  L. Jackson (928) 855-1171

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