Over the past several months, detectives with the Lake Havasu City Police Department’s Special Investigations Unit, which is part of the Mohave Area General Narcotics Enforcement Team (MAGNET), have been conducting an investigation into a subject selling drugs from a residence in the 3300 block of Thunderbird Drive in Lake Havasu City.
On October 3, 2019, at approximately 8:35 p.m., the Special Investigations Unit, with the assistance from the Lake Havasu City Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Unit and SWAT Team, along with assistance from the La Paz County Narcotic Task Force K-9 Detectives, served a search warrant at the residence in the 3300 block of Thunderbird Drive. During the search, several prescription only pills and numerous items of drug paraphernalia were located.
As a result of the investigation, 36-year-old Lake Havasu City resident Thomas Nichols was arrested for possession of narcotic drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Rosemary Scott, a 22-year-old Parker resident, was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Martin Kennedy, a 54-year-old Lake Havasu City resident, was arrested for possession of prescription only pills and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Lucky Thill, a 28-year-old Lake Havasu City resident, was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia. After her initial appearance, Thill was held on a $1,000 cash-only bond and transferred to the custody of the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office.
After their initial appearance, Nichols, Scott and Kennedy remain in custody pending a conditional release agreement issued by the court.
Charges are pending on two additional Lake Havasu City residents as this investigation continues.
Public Information Officer: Detective Chris Angus
Booking photo: Thomas Nichols, Rosemary Scott, Martin Kennedy, and Lucky Thill.