May 10, 2023

The Lake Havasu City Police Department would like to bring awareness to the community regarding the increased use of electric motorcycles, including motorized play vehicles that have an operating power of 750 watts or higher. Officers have been making numerous educational contacts over the past several weeks regarding operators who may not be aware of Lake Havasu City Codes regarding these vehicles.

Electric motorcycles are electric vehicles that move on two tires. However, it is not to be mistaken for e-bicycles as those have pedals while an electric motorcycle does not.

Like gasoline-powered vehicles, an electric motorcycle is pushed by an engine powered by a battery’s electrical energy. The fundamental difference is that an electric motorcycle uses either batteries or fuel cells instead of the gas that goes into a regular motorbike.

Electric motorcycles that have an operating power above 750 watts and are designed for off-road purposes cannot be operated on any roadway or path, unless the operator has a valid motorcycle endorsement, and the motorcycle is registered and insured per Arizona Statute.

Lake Havasu City Code 10.08.210 defines a Motorized Play Vehicle as a coaster, motorized vehicle, or motorcycle-type vehicle that is self-propelled or has a motor or engine, gas, electric, or any other alternatively fueled device, and which resembles or simulates a real motorized vehicle or motorcycle type vehicle, to include pocket bikes, mini-bikes, go-karts, miniature race cars, and miniature motorcycles.

These motorized play vehicles may not be operated on a roadway, highway, city right-of-way, public sidewalk, bicycle path, shared-use path, or any private property of another without the written permission of the owner, the person entitled to immediate possession of the property, or the authorized agent of either.

The Lake Havasu City Police Department is committed to the safety of the community and its residents. We encourage all motorized play vehicle operators and owners to familiarize themselves with the Lake Havasu City Code, and any Arizona Revised Statute that applies. For more information on Lake Havasu City vehicle codes, visit the link below. If you would like more information on Arizona Transportation Statutes, that link is below as well.

The LHCPD has compiled additional information pertaining to motorized play vehicles. It is attached to this public service announcement.

Public Information Officer:  Detective Chris Angus

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